About Aluma

PAIS in Local Authorities

Students who receive scholarships from Mifal HaPais are required to devote a certain number of hours to volunteer work. In this program, a certain percentage of these hours are used to form groups of students in local authorities that study Israeli society in depth, with an emphasis on the specific local authority and the civilian activity it offers. The program encourages social activism and facilitates the participants’ personal, professional, and social development, as they formulate their own personal identity and social stances, acquire tools for living in a diverse society, and develop volunteer opportunities to acquire significant occupational experience.

The program is run in 17 local authorities, in groups of 15–20 participants.

Aluma developed a syllabus for the program called Mixed Israel, which contains all the training materials and is partially based on the landmark model of the Living Together program.


Promoting social activism among young adults in local authorities

The program in numbers


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